In the first part of our multi-part webinar series, we have Mark Roemers, CEO and founder of AntTail discussing cold chain monitoring and the pros and cons of tracking your pharmaceutical shipments online and with USB. In this brief video Mark provides the outline for his bluetooth temperature monitoring data logger.
Mark Roemers:
"One of the main issues currently discussed between a lot of large pharmaceutical companies and also 3PL's is to be, or not to be online. And that's a great discussion and involves quite a bit of cost and also extra handling. So it's very good to just go over a few details to discuss what the options are. And is it only online or just USB loggers or is there something in between that might be interesting to to all parties involved? As you already mentioned, Lorn, there's a lot of trends going on. And one of the things to look at is the FDA pipeline for approval of drugs that are now still in clinical trial phase. And what you see is that the majority of those drugs are either protein based or DNA modified medication. Or even DNA modified medications for patients, so that there's a good uptake in the body. And what you see is that almost everything is going to be temperature controlled that either a 2 to 8 degree celsius or a freezing at minus 20.
And there are of course ambient applications for patents, but they're the minority. So what we will see is growing trends for those temperature controlled logistics. Also the laws of Europe, USA and others are following. They require more and more monitoring. So the monitoring market has gone to expand from what you said about 250 million to 750 million in the next coming four to five years. And the other thing is that people are just data hungry. They want more data and they want more control. And the big question is, is that going to be economically feasible and what are you going to do with all that data?
So we try to answer these questions in this coming slides. And I hope you bear with us to see where we end up. And if it may help you in your process of making a decision of what type of solution you want to implement in your current supply chains or in new supply chains."
To learn more about cold chain temperature monitoring solutions, please reach out to us at